The Murkrow looks down at the oversized Rattata with contempt.

"Looks like Paul has sent out a Rattata. Back when he was a professional trainer this was one of his best-"

She's cut short as the Murkrow slams a wing into the Rattata, sending it flying into a wall to bounce off with a thump.

"-and another Critical Hit," she says dryly. "Samara, how do you do it? Wait, the Rattata may not yet be down," Sabrina says, looking at it.

And she's right. Big Brown is twitching slightly. Suddenly, all at once, he rears up, twice the size he had previously been. He leaps forward at the Murkrow, long fangs biting into the bird repeatedly, spouts of blood flying from each bite. Samara hurriedly returns the Murkrow before it can be too badly hurt.

"And it looks like that Rattata has evolved! That should swing the odds in Paul's favor!"

Samara sends out her next Pokemon, a small pink orb.

"Looks like a Munna is next up! Quite an exotic Pokemon you have there Samara," Sabrina says.

You're actually faster here. BB has evolved into Raticate! You may restat now. Full HP.

Quote Originally Posted by MesiDoomstalker View Post
I see. That is unfortunate. Creator of Steelupi you say? You mean the one I will be working under? Well you make an enticing offer but I believe I'll take the standard entry pokemon. If all goes well, I can ask him myself, no?

Ethan sighs, not looking forward to breaking the news to Jane. Thank you anyways. Ethan begins to leave but turns around for one last thing. Also, you tipped your hand. Last night you suggested you knew nothing of the Steelupi. Know you offered to ask the creator of said pokemon for a favor. Just thought I'd let you know. Ethan then heads out, heading back towards where he left the men, Jane and the jet.
The boss lady grins.

Your not quite as dumb as you look. Can you spread the word to your team that the Pokemon should be here by six o'clock?

She gets a strange grin as you specify "him," as if she knows something you don't.