
The sniper's heart can beat once more. But further movement or communication is out. Rainbow displays relief with no more than exhales. Too stressed her injury is and she allows from a controlled collapse into a seated position upon her bloody haunches.

The Fae

"Oh interesting." whispered the crimson monkey queen. "twelve"

One of the monkey walked forward and took a strange dignified pose. Then it hooted and shrieked as if it were given the moat presidential of speeches.

A strong whistle cracks from the shelf of the headless Reaper. Twas the strike of her whip, the spine of a pony, on the air. The head smiled with its fanged mouth at the leader of this session then whispered to Layla.

The older mare trotted to the edge of the shelf and shouted loudly. "High Lord Spirit Reaper of the Dullahans raised the twelve monkey offer from the Monkey Queen and offers Lord Sol of the Lochs fourteen pooka under his command for the color in his eyes for a duration to be taken after service equal to the service."