Quote Originally Posted by endoperez View Post
That's why I started that post with:

"X-Com system with an emphasis on melee would play so differently, it's not really the same game."

That aside, it doesn't really matter if the upper limit is 6 (Jagged Alliance) or 8 (X-Com). All I mentioned could be done with about 8 units.
3 units in front with shields. Depending on how reaction attacks and zone of control works, that's enough to cover an area 5 to 7 grid squares wide.
2-3 units behind those with long spears. Each spearman could probably cover the area around two of three frontliners.
That's still 2-3 slots left for ranged characters, and the guys with shields and spears could carry javelins with them as well.
In my (very) limited sparring experience, when you're looking at eight per side, complicated formations aren't worth the bother. Sticking together so the enemy doesn't gang up on you and stick pointy things in your kidneys is worthwhile, but the shortness of any line makes the flanks too vulnerable for the formation to really persist. Stacking up to any great depth is simply not feasible - sure you start with the spear guy behind you, but after about forty seconds of contact, who knows where people end up.