Quote Originally Posted by Malak'ai View Post
"Yes Gaidin." he says before turning towards Cirelyn and her friend, "Thank you for your concern Mistress. I hope this little... Scuffle hasn't ruined your walk for you and your friend." Blushing a little and looking at the ground he continues in a quieter voice, "I hope we see each other again soon." before quickly turning and running off after Alric Gaidin.
"No, it's fine, if nobody's hurt... and er, I'm sure we will. See each other. Sometime." There aren't that many Warder-trainees and novices at the Tower, after all; too-close friendships are discouraged, but not casual interaction.

Cirelyn gives the trainee's retreating back a faintly bemused look; he surely can't be pinning any hopes on her, it'll be years before she has the right to bond a Warder. (And could she, even if she wanted to? She doesn't know if Deiza Sedai and the others have Warders; the trust implied by the bond seems to sit uneasily with the secret they're required to keep. Perhaps a man of the Atha'an Miere - but none of them would leave the sea behind.)

"All right, now that seems to be resolved - look, I really can't keep calling you just you." That to the servant boy. "What's your name? I'm called Cirelyn. Take a moment to calm down, I'm sure the Gaidin won't complain about you taking too long, once the situation's explained. Was it the Blademaster who asked you to get the swords?"