I'm sorry, but you are in a field where generally no one is happy to see you :D

And as for the Psychologist. My girlfriends mom dated a Psychologist for a while and passed that tidbit on to me. He didn't like the cat Mewing, so he performed behavior modification on it by sticking it in a pure white shower-stall whenever it mewed.

As for me, I went under surgery a healthy 13 year old, came out a cripple~ it had to happen, but it made me pretty dour as to doctors. Then, I spent ten years fighting with them because they are more worried about their licenses than getting me the care I require. (Half the bone up and down the knee, and the knee are missing, and I can't seem to get pain killers from anyone, have been in the hospital because of liver damage from Tylenol twice now, and I have ulcers because of the Ibuprofen). And now they want me to go back into surgery because they installed a part that was wrong. I don't feel like being crippled up totally again for nine months.

The psychologist I saw gave me all kinds of mood changing drugs, for a problem that I told him repeatedly was pain based. I still wish I could stab him in the face, just once, for justice.

I am a slightly extreme case, but I am also a very forgiving person.

Not saying your a bad person, but you may not be in good company.