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Thread: Total War: Broken City, Book 2

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: Total War: Broken City, Book 2

    Matoff-Wallen PM
    "The problem still lies in the checks and balances of the thing.

    The Mercantile Guild tends to be very zealous when it comes to its markets, in the same way we are overzealous regarding our rights.
    And, in a similar way, they look upon anyone trying to change their trade with disgust.

    The warlords are not to be feared, if we listen to what the Wardens said last month, so the damage the Merchants did it's probably not so bad.

    We could stop that, you know. By standing together, we could.

    Our enemies gain strenght because no one has enough force to give order.

    It seems to me that King James, more than defending the city from its enemies, was defending himself from people who would not allow him to have an absolute reign. Which is good for us. Do you think James will be good for the nobility?

    The Wardens are knightly indeed. We should be careful, lest they want to take our place.

    The key point between us is the participation of the commoners in the sistem of government. We are somewhat tied up there. A big part of my power base is formed by merchants, and I'll lose their support if I back out on that. A big part of yours comes from the Old Families; and you'll lose yours if you do.

    Do you think there is common ground to make our Party members discuss it further?

    Can we ally, even when we don't agree on that for now?"

    Forgot to put spoilers before posting. If anyone saw anything, could you look here? (Points to tip of neuralizer)
    Last edited by Ragnar Lodbroke; 2013-01-08 at 10:35 AM.

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