An other few munites pass by, then Ace eyes return to normal and the sorcerer shake his head frowing his and closing is eyes as if the light was a pain to sustain.

Monique finaly feels better and beleive she can finaly sustain the simply humidity air from the room, as long as she doesnt find any other **** laying around or return into the room bellow without something to minimize the smell there.

"You ok Ace of spades?"
Dostki appear more intruged than worried.

And Ace moves again!.. painfully, but he moves.

Monique loose her sickness.

Players Status

(L3) Bolerum: 12/53, TEMP HP = 0, Healing surges : 9/12

(N5) Monique : 44/44, TEMP HP = 1 , Healing surges : 8/8

(N1) Ashe : 17/49, TEMP HP = 0, Healing Surges : 6/7

(Q2)Ace 21/42, TEMP HP = 12, Healing Surges : 1/6

(M2) - Battle Standard of healing : Whenever you or an ally spends a healing surge while in the zone, you and all allies in the zone regain 1 hit point.