Bloodhaven (PM)
Runic Guides
We certainly don't want to make this information public for exactly those reasons. However we are not confident in our ability to conduct such a large scale working on our own without others realizing. Hence we have simply not committed anything to hint of the ultimate nature of the metro project before we are ready. Again that is why we felt it necessary to bring you into the project. We are confident that we can trust you, and having at least one partner in the project is likely a necessity as the scale is too large for any one guild.

(Of course not. I just wasn't going to leave evidence that could be used against me lying around before I was ready. At the very least I can easily key the information to only be available to people we want. In fact extending it so other people can use it would probably cost more.)

Certainly that is a problem. In the worse case we can tunnel downwards. We have done so in other parts of the city. There is almost nothing on the surface that can effect things below sublevel one.

(I've dug so much that I've divided up the different layers of my workings into levels for easy reference. It gets more expensive the deeper you go is the problem.)

We certainly won't be using SGA resources on this project. That would be a misuse of our power as director. We would have to get SGA authorization first at the very least. And we do not particularly wish to inform the entire SGA of this project.

Perhaps you could set aside the money you can spare for now? We do not actually have the manpower to spare to direct laborers to expand the metro currently. And we doubt that unsupervised workers are capable of using directing our digging beasts. We of course understand the necessity of having to deal with other projects first. We obviously have another project we wish to complete besides this one as well.

(Wealth can be stored for later. And my traits halve the cost of digging tunnels so I would prefer to be directly involved to maximize funding efficiency. But I can understand the need to work on other things. Next month will probably work better for both of us.)

(Realize that my military is also my primary digging crew. Every turn I need to fight is a turn I can't dig. So I don't like fighting. I'll help if I need to though.)

We have not received an invitation to this Masquerade.

(Or if I did I missed reading it.)