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Thread: Total War: Broken City, Book 2

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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Total War: Broken City, Book 2

    Bloodhaven (PM)
    The more the better is generally the accepted view for things like this.

    (The Metro Rune is basically a giant magic circle that will act as a power source and guide. The larger and more circular it is the more power it provides to the project. To give an understanding of what I am talking about the other application, which I considered and discarded as a bit too evil, was to use it as an energy amplifier to turn Bloodhand into a demigod. I actually mentioned this in the OOC, but you probably thought I was joking at the time.

    Anyway I have discussed this Zemalac and he said that using it to cast a city wide census spell is a viable idea. So I assume it is sufficient to the task. And trying to do it with straight magic, would probably be more difficult.)

    [Yeah but there are things down in the depths. Why do you think my diggers are all armed.

    Actually to tell you the truth I was planning to open negotiations with the deep dwellers, which I figure will require a VIP.]

    [That's what I was planning.]
    Last edited by ArcaneStomper; 2013-01-09 at 05:26 PM.