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Thread: Only War: Armoured Fist

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: Only War: Armoured Fist

    Cronyn was sitting on an unloaded crate doing some light maintenance to his sniper rifle, the weather not the best for moving parts. He did not like when equipment malfunctioned if he could do something to avoid it. In this case that was keeping it fairly clean.

    An hour? That's not a lot of time to get ready. Not that I should expect anything else. He inspected the enginseer from his position a bit away from the rest of the squad. "Do you do weapons modification?" he asked the cogboy, going straight for the most important thing to ask one of those. He had not had time to have his current weapon customized since he recieved this replacement rifle. The grip needed some minor adjustments and that could be achievable in an hour he figured.
    Last edited by watupwithdat; 2013-01-10 at 08:24 AM.