Re: A 442
Quote Originally Posted by willpell View Post
I've already misinterpreted him once, but I'll try once more....
In addition, you can choose to give up access to a domain in exchange for the corresponding domain feat. Doing so allows you to select up to three domain feats, but you cannot prepare domain spells or use the granted power of the sacrificed domain. In essence, you trade in a domain for an extra feat slot that you can spend only on a specific domain feat. For example, the above cleric of Pelor could choose to give up the granted power and spells of the Good domain for the Good Devotion feat.
While I agree that this text could be interpreted as allowing more than one domain tradeaway, I also think it could be interpreted as only allowing for it to be done once.
The emphasis on the singular has a different consequence when you look at all the domains that Clerics can choose, including planar domains. Each planar domain is in place of both the normal domains a Cleric is allowed (see Spell Compendium on page 282). The Complete Champion domain substitution rule specifies that the exchange is always only one domain feat for a domain traded in. That necessarily includes planar domains.

The substitution rule is one domain —> one domain feat. The only statement in this rule which limits repeating such a substitution is the maximum of 3 domain feats.