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Thread: RaynnVerse: The Reign IC

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: RaynnVerse: The Reign IC

    "Oh god, I hope nobody saw that."
    There, there. Decibelle would get a transparent unoticable sympathetic pat on the shoulder if it wasn't for all the cyborgs around and the city being possibly destroyed and those sort of distraction. Ass kicking deficiency happens to all superheroes, especialy when you start. 'Even the centurion sometime punched walls'. It's nothing to be ashamed off.

    'Do I really do this for a living? It seems-' 'Risky'
    "Just one week ago you and another person killed an army of hundreds of zombies almost all by yoursleves."

    Shade looks around the battlefield. She's actualy kind of impressed; in a grim 'we're screwed' kind of way.

    A bunch of superhero stands against ridculously overwhelming numbers happens all the time. And even win against all odds. In the battle of Claremont a few dozens of superheroes standed against a few hundreds of superskrulls. Well except that metasoul had summoned an army of alternates metas before the battle, so they were more like a hundre of heroes. And a huge artillery support dudrng the battle. And six peoples defended Camelot? Six people and an army of ghostly holy knights.

    And the zombie things. "Of course you were hyped on divine power at the time" And there was the incarnation oflife itself or close enough near. And the zombies turned to dust as soon as their master died. That might have helped.

    Four people against thoudands alien cyborgs with unknown capacities and a large spaceship. Even by ridiculously asymetrical battle, so far that's going to be a pretty one sided one.
    One has to be kind of curious to see what someone is going to pull out to win that one. "I don't suppose you have an army of elementals stashed in your staff ?"

    Help me sell it
    Shade isn't exactly sure what Vagrant's exact plan is here, but she plays along (though she doescringe a bit hopping the Metagrue didn't hear any of that, illusions don't work so well when you announce it out loud.). Making the bombs invisible isn't going to stop them from exploding but distracting the metagrue however might give time to disable those bombs.

    When the ominious machinery disapears there's a slight ozone smell and a faint sound, the same sound Shade came to associate with teleportation every time Dare uses his staff. If the metagrue is to look on the rooftops looking over the east of the battlefield, he would see two silhouettes. one fidling with a staff and the other stading with one hand over his hat and the other raised in the air in the confident stance she alway remembered him having. Two known telporters, Dr dare and Cael the time lord.

    All senses Illusions rank (5)
    Extra: Duration; Flaw: Phantasm, progression (2)

    Don't know if duration (allows to maintain dynamic illusion as a free action +2 ranks of duration are enough to create an auditive illusion near the metagrue and another to creat an illusion in another direction.
    If not I'll use a hero point to stunt in the 'split attack' power feat' to it)
    Last edited by smuchmuch; 2013-01-11 at 05:48 PM.
    I'm sig'ing in the rain, just sig'ing in the rain....

    Somme old avatars, by me
