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    Barbarian in the Playground
    artofregicide's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Between sleep and awake.

    Default Re: Things I May No Longer Do While Playing IV: The Decanter of Endless Bad Ideas

    I may no longer allow my 4-year old daughter to roll for my core-fighter BBEG.
    Especially when said rolls take out the party wizard on pure luck.
    If my daughter adds My Little Ponies to the combat board, I'm not allowed to assume they're "In Play" minions of the BBEG*
    Also not allowed to teach my daughter to laugh maniacally like the BBEG*

    *Exception to these rules is if I first record the cuteness and upload the videos to YouTube.**

    **My wife has stated I'm no longer allowed to upload videos to YouTube.
    * I may not write this down for future reference when my soon to be born daughter is old even to do the same.
    ** Stating up the ponies ahead of time for just such an occasion is right out.
    I may not show these posts to my girlfriend and tell her that's why we must have children RIGHT NOW.

    *Seriously, that's adorable!
    Last edited by artofregicide; 2013-01-11 at 04:23 PM.
    "If I've learned anything, it's to fear nothing."

    Plays in Noble Trouble