Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
"Yes, yes, no." Autumn starts pacing, almost feverishly. "So valuable, but so dangerous. I should tell the Court, but would they act? What would they do?" She's running her hands through her hair as she walks, the line of pink flipping up and down hypnotically. Then she stops and turns to Rose, Marchande, and Charlotte.

"You're not going to like this, and I won't make a pledge for it. But, if you happen to have the opportunity, that Paladin fellow seems like a Changeling that has lost his clarity of sight and gone mad. If you can get him to access one of these sensor stones before you cut him down in righteous fury, I'd really appreciate it."
Valuable. What in the world does she mean, valuable? Valuable to her research on the Hedge? "The Court," Marchande says, trying to think coldly even as she wants to bite, "The Court would take time to organize. Time children might not have." Why hadn't she asked? Why hadn't she pulled this out of Rose already? Because she was an idiot, she was just making assumptions left and right! "We might be able to stop him. Practically expected. I can talk to Rogers, see if she can pull any strings for back-up, but that's not a given. Stephanie's good at this, but she's gone to pout again, Rose is a spearhead, but can't fight alone, Charlotte's useless and I'm a hell of a liability in a gunfight, but following might be able to keep her lucky until I run out of Glamour - why us?" She says, smacking her hand down on the computer desk. Because they are Rose's hangers-on, of course. The dog and the squire and the- rrrrrrgh.

Autumn makes a request. Marchande evaluates it. "Well, if he isn't trying to stab us, we could see what to do. Of course, he could be an ensorcelled mortal gone bonkers. Which is what I'm guessing he is."