Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
"...Marchande." Rose's voice is strained and quiet, "I... thank you. But please leave the fighting to me. Do not even worry about the fighting. I have done more of it than you ever will, if you live to be one hundred years old."

She pauses, stirs. Stares deep into the eyes of Marchande and Charlotte. No, she decides in an instant, she has no right to ask them to involve themselves. Stephanie knew this sort of living, but not these two. The fire is there, but the panic is proof that they might die, and... well, really. This is her last stand, too.

"Once upon a time, I found a sword that rivaled any weapon for beauty and power. With it, I was invincible. With it, I could cut down this entire organization in a single night. But when we came... home, I left it behind. Now I have nothing to fight with. What I would ask for, the help I need more than any other, is finding something, anything to act as a replacement. You're good with these things. With people. I am not. Help me find him, help me get people to safety, help me find a way to act quickly. Leave the rest to me."

It tumbles out of her mouth now, getting easier with every word. When was the last time she said so much in front of anybody? Her eyes glance down at her red soaked stone with the tiniest measure of hope. Maybe Rose and Kalina Rogers weren't too different after all...
"Rose," Marchande snaps back, "You're going up against a lunatic carrying a magic sword, and God-only-knows how many of his thugs. You'll need luck on your side. If I were willing to let you walk in alone, I wouldn't be here. You're beautiful and harder than iron and rescue children, but I'm not... I'm going to give you every advantage I can."

And then, because she is Marchande, she listens to Rose's description of her marvelous sword, she listens to her list of needs, one hand to her chin, finger tracing the edge of her lip. And then, though it hurts her, she says: "We need Stephanie. We need the Wicker Man, and Speaker Rogers, and I may have to have Jason's assistance, but Stephanie most of all. If there's anyone who can wreak havoc while you're smashing in the front door, it's her. An enemy without a sword and without hostages is doubly declawed. After that, police assistance. Maybe we can pin them to the kidnappings happening recently - for all we know, it is their fault. Acting quickly, though, it all comes back to that. There's only one 100% mortal I could ask to act on our behalf, and he's not the best at infiltrating secret societies. Autumn, if you have any recommendations, they'd be appreciated. The same for you, Rose. Because without someone running infiltration, someone who can talk their way in... unless. Unless." Mad grin. "Unless Stephanie knows how to teach that little trick she knows." Another pang of jealousy - of course it was Stephanie who figured it out. "Because if Stephanie knows how to teach that little trick, the trick of looking human to everyone, things will go much smoother all 'round. Probably a magic trick. Probably. Autumn, is there documentation of changelings being able to strengthen the mask so that it is also seen by fellow Changelings?"