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Thread: [Nexus] Sencardia

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Sencardia

    Quote Originally Posted by Reinholdt View Post
    "Well of course, but we'd never get anything done if I sat here and spent the day listing them all."

    His player keeps a word document on all his Nexus characters' stuff, originally started purely for Squeaky Shoes Man, seller of oddities (and literal oddities only). The entire thing is currently 20 pages long, 8 of which belong to Reinholdt alone. Bullet points maybe, but still. Every once in a while I get him in a fight just to lose items so I can mark them out and not go quite so insane keeping track of it all.

    Hasn't worked yet.

    Anyways, Reinholdt doesn't like the uncomfortable invasion of personal space, but deals with it before suggesting they get a move on.
    ((Could you give me a link to Reinholdt's backstory out of curiosity? I tried looking for it earlier today but the post had unfortunately been "snipped due to copyright"))

    Deveric raises an eyebrow at that announcement. He wondered how many assets that cat had? Everybody has secrets though! Well most people anyway.

    "Ah right. Treasure hunter and whatnot. Well as long as you keep using those to our benefit, I have no objection."

    "It seems like your partner will have your back."

    "Here's hoping."

    Now was a good time to go before some other problem decided to rear its ugly head. Deveric began to say his goodbyes to a handful of men that he had become acquainted with over the last week. While the bubble is still up he decides to take off his mask for a quick drink of crimson grape wine. Hey, that stuff is good, okay? When all finished he makes to say farewell to Leandre. Who knows how long it'll be before they encounter each other again? Before Deveric gets a chance to say anything Leandre speaks up.

    "I suppose this is goodbye, huh?" There's a mix of emotion in his voice. Part of his tone said that he feels pensive for him to go while another part told of his objection of his friend's earlier suggestion to let Bax die.

    "For the time being, yes. We'll come across each other again at some point though I'm sure." Deveric spoke with genuine reciprocation.

    "I sure hope so. It was nice having extra backup when attacked by those pirates."

    "You'll be fine. You can handle yourself better than most captains I know. Anyways we should be going afore this turns into one of those uncomfortable sentimental moments. Never cared much for those."

    "Hahaha, I can say that I agree with you there for once. Goodbye Deveric and Reinholdt. Until next time."

    And with that they're off. Unless Reinholdt is craving that rum of course.
    Last edited by Time for Never; 2013-01-12 at 12:26 AM.
    Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself. - Bernard Shaw

    People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. - Bernard Shaw

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