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Thread: Only War: Armoured Fist

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Oxford, UK

    Default Re: Only War: Armoured Fist

    "Lasguns is the smart money. Some squad support weapons, most likely stubbers or autocannons. Small chance of light armour. Darien was primarily a civilian forge world but reports from the first front suggest that some areas have been retasked as weapons and armour manufacture. We're facing off against the rearguard, but on the first front, they're reporting stormtrooper-grade gear, heavy artillery, and aircraft that we know for a fact weren't on-planet at the rebellion. I'm not going to lie, sooner or later, some of that will find its way over to our end."

    "The gear is of comparable grade to stormtrooper gear." Emestos said. A mid-level magos attached to the command squad's chimera, he had stood almost silently besides Salo. "But the lack of the omnissiah's blessing curses them to inferiority." Emestos's forehead was metal, but his lower face was natural, allowing the squad to see his heavy jowls quiver as he spoke; combined with the wing-like cluster of mechandrites bolted to his shoulder blades, he looked like an angel with the face of a bulldog.

    "Though i don't know how much that will affect their battlefield use." Salo offered diplomatically.
    Last edited by LeSwordfish; 2013-01-12 at 03:27 PM.
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