Murska says he wants to play as a Joker, and just pick up a turnset now and again, without being in the rotation proper. I guess that means we're ready to begin!

Bismarck 2+2+3+2=9
Stalin 3+3+1=7
Mansa 1+1+3=5
Gandhi 2+2=4
Tokugawa 1+3=4
DeGaulle 1=1
Louis XIV = 0
Peter = 0

Whatever 1+3+3+1=5
Continents 2+2=4
Fractal 3=3
Pangea 3=3

Monarch 3+2+3+3+3
Emperor 3+2

So, the winning settings are: Bismarck, Random map type, Monarch difficulty

If no one objects, I'll also do Standard size and Normal speed, and leave all the other options as default. If anyone has any strong feelings for anything else, speak up. I won't built the map and run the first turnset until tomorrow morning.