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Thread: RaynnVerse: The Reign IC

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    Troll in the Playground
    smuchmuch's Avatar

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    Default Re: RaynnVerse: The Reign IC

    Shade looks at the metagrue. Someone just buffed up big time, looks very dangerous. Kinda gives her an idea...

    Shade flies in direction of the big guy then hovers around his head. She doesn't really like doing that. It just feel so weird and moraly pretty wrong (and yet alway so tempting at the same time, just to be able to feel agan...). But everything's fair in war.
    She raise her arm back dramaticaly as if she was about to do a magic trick before suddenly plunging it in the back of the alien's head, reaching to his brains with her fingers. She feel herself starting to slightly dissolve into the meat container in front of her, her essence to disperse and overtake. It's not objects she can possess.


    Possession (9), accurate (5), subtle
    Attack roll if needed (1d20+10)[25] (I doubt he can see her so she probaly take him flatfooted)
    Will save difficulty 9 to ressit possession.

    Spent all of the 8 pp we had from the arcs.

    -Two points to get two ranks of conspiracy theorist feat.
    Utterly useless but oh so fun

    -One point to get the ritualist feat

    -Two points to put her 'Poltergeisting power array from 35 to 37.

    -Three points for raising some skills:

    knowlege (law) 2 ranks (+2 int bonus: 4)
    knowlege (technology) 1 rank (+2=3
    knowlege behavioral sciences 2 ranks (+2=4)
    +1 rank knowlege (supernatural, magic) (total of 5)
    +2 steath

    (I realise most of the other characters alredy have those knowlege better, I just feel it makes sense for her to have gained some knowlege in a few field seeing as she gained faint memories from her alternate self who was more overall skilled.
    Also a bit of behavioral science makes somewhat intinctive sense for womewhat who is able to emply abilities that are somewhat akin to psychic powers, I feel.)

    Disable device 3 ranks
    Acrobatic 1 rank
    Complelty useless seeing as she can pass through wall and she flies but hey given her past/alternate life, it once again make sense she'd have some remains of those skills)
    Last edited by smuchmuch; 2013-01-12 at 09:04 PM.
    I'm sig'ing in the rain, just sig'ing in the rain....

    Somme old avatars, by me
