Quote Originally Posted by Lex-Kat View Post
Vidalia watches, keenly interested in what Marty decides to do with the door. She smiles bemused as he shuts the door, then shakes her head ever so slightly as he heads to the loveseat instead of sitting next to her. She stops before he can notice the movement, unless he has eyes in the back of his head, or he sat rather suddenly.

She watches and cranes her neck a little, to see any burns or scars on his neck. That's alright. What scared you away? Then her eyes turn back to their evil glare. Did someone threaten or harm you? something may tell him that her anger is not directed at him this time, that she may even be about to get up and avenge this wrong.
Well, they are old scars, burns, and what looks to be canine teeth marks on his neck. No, he has no eyes, nor he did he sit particularly quickly.
He wrings his hands again. Um...i-it w-was at n-night....some w-woman wearing armor w-with a b-big sword w-wanted to see Ms. Quinn...I t-tried t-to stop h-her...then she kicked me down a ditch a-and h-hit m-me with the h-hilt...then somehow R-Reinholdt w-was involved...I d-didn't know h-her name...