Quote Originally Posted by Beans View Post
A sickly-looking brown-tabby catgirl limps out of a bathroom, her eyes leaking as she wipes at them with a black handkerchief. She seems a bit alarmed as she looks at the newcomer, turning to look at Maeve with a look of confusion; she doesn't speak for now.
Quote Originally Posted by OrchestraHc View Post

"Hmm." the Doc mumbles to himself as he takes in surroundings with. Actually quite cozy. It reminds him a lot of the Guild base, making something comfortable out of not much. Anyone can carve out a niche in Inside if they know what their doing.
Maeve ghosts over to Khair - the Death brand on her shoulder does have some uses, among them silent, fast, non-tracking, travel -, and goes to slip an arm around her reassuringly, smiling.

"He's fine, Khair. He's going to be seeing about helping me get a different job, one that's not going to be putting you at risk..."