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Thread: [Nexus] Inside 49

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] Inside 49

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebonack View Post
    [Rocket Man]

    "Why are you drawing out all your words? I can hear you just fine," Zee replies matter-of-factly as she's flipped over and pressed into the street. Unlike the evil robot she isn't made out of physically dubious space metal.

    Which means there's now a bloody streak on the asphalt from her fleshy getting scoured off. Ouch...

    Though that gross fleshy sounds are shortly replaced by an awful stone-on-stone screech as sparks begin to fly. There isn't much time to contemplate how weird that is because things get a lot weirder pretty fast. Zee's skin, all her skin, peels and rips away to reveal something under it that couldn't have possibly fit in there.

    To put it simply the eldritch terrorhorror that just burst out of the silly barmaid is massive, her shoulder height about on par with an elephant. She's clad in smokey black carapace etched with white swirls and sigils that glow with a muted white radiance.

    The robot is clutched firmly in both of her forclaws and she doesn't seem keen on letting go. Six wings that look more like windows into the blackness of the night sky rather than physical objects spread wide and the monster quite suddenly becomes fixed in place relative to the ground.

    Captain Elementium may find the abrupt stop rather jarring.

    "Here's how this is going to go down. I'm going to sit on you until Watchtower and Remnant arrive. And then they're going to decide what to do with you. Bit of advice? Setting Trog's on fire is always a terrible plan," K'rax speaks, her voice musical and pleasant. Though with an underlying ire that could break to the surface quite quickly. "I consider that inn my home. And the people there are my guests and under my protection. I don't take kindly to my guests being assaulted and used as hostages."

    Enshadu is blasted forward still, and smiles as he sees blood stains in the street. He is suddenly stopped as Zee transforms. He is grabbed, and seems a little bit shocked. Normally he'd go through mostly anything. Um....I stopped. Why? Why am I stopped....Ah. You''re not human. No, they're not. Remnant will not find me, question, how much do you weigh? You're not very good at protecting your home....Considering I torched it. He then attempts to overpower the jet thrusters, blasting them both in the air, using half his tank at once. Unless she's about 100 tons, she's going up.
    Last edited by Hattish Thing; 2013-01-15 at 10:33 PM.