
Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post

"Okay." Hekta whispers back, smiling widely at Elias before she disappears up the stairs to retrieve the money. Though, couldn't she buy the sweets here or would there be no more sweets now that Elias had a broken leg? Dahl would still make sweets right? Couldn't she buy them from him? Oh right, Elias wanted her to buy stuff you made sweets of, that made more sense. Then again, she could save his money if she just found some ingredients for him instead...
I think I broke my brain trying to read that. At any rate, Hekta should find no difficulty in clearing out Elias's room, unless she makes difficulty for herself.


Aubergine Elmhouse

Quote Originally Posted by blackouttwo View Post
Arthur sighs in a defeated manner. He isn't gonna win this one. "Alright. Please, forgive me." With any luck, an outright apology and admission of defeat would help. He then falls silent for a moment, thinking to himself about why he was dating this girl when she acted this way all too frequently.

He isn't unhappy with the relationship, just wishing that Willow would tone it down a bit when it came to her megalomania. It's not like he isn't used to it, but her attitude's been...less welcome since he came home. "Really, I'm sorry." Am I? Of course I am, who am I kidding?

He's dating her because she gets science and she's hot. It's certainly not her shining personality.

"Of course, babe," she says, leaning over the table to give him a quick kiss. Hey, at least she doesn't hold a grudge.


Ice Rink

Quote Originally Posted by The Bushranger View Post
Ice Rink

Eileen frowns, shaking her head and rolling her eyes a bit, before going to scratch out another message!
~Not something to hurt, birdbrain. Nonlinear eldritch effects. Magic.~

"Magic broke your ears. Got it."
Tracey says, without a clue as to what 'nonlinear' has to do with anything. Most things that aren't lines are non-linear! "Hey, Needs, you can do magic. Can you fix her?"



"You don't belong, Mr Fakey McNotReal," Charity says. But Nudist!Charity is also still Pacifist!Charity, so she isn't going to inflict violence on him. Besides, she needs to get away from that awful beam of his and reach the source.

A memory surfaces. A tower, deep in the Weald, whose base delved deep enough to reach a pool of pure possibility. Her powers had awakened that day, and she had painted Reality for the first time.

She wants to experience that again.

Charity tries to find her own way around the wall to go further into the rift zone.