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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXVIII: Chaos is as Chaos... Oh look, shiny!

    The Wandering Thief

    You know the world is full of fun things to do. There are plenty of things to see . . . .and sorry but I must go I see something very shiny over that way that I really must get a closer look at bye! An unnamed wandering thief.

    These thieves and rascals have an itch to be scratched. To see the World and get the shiniest objects that it contains. Whether from a King or a Tomb it doesn't matter. They wander from city to city, burg to burrough, and find the wealthiest people and places to make their living from and then move on with a song in their hearts, careless of the laws they break so they may enjoy the ultimate rush of life itself.

    Most start their path in this direction as either a rogue or a ninja with a random bard/rogue sometimes jumping into the mix. Some multiclassed ranger/rogues make excellent wandering thieves, plying their lore of the outdoors and cities together to make for an expert on the run. Some ex-monks find themselves in this line of work after they've managed to slip free of their strict discipline and learn to enjoy life to the fullest.

    Alignment: Any chaotic
    BAB: +5
    Skills:Knowledge (nobility) 4 Ranks, Acrobatics 4 Ranks, Perception 4 Ranks
    Feats: Acrobatic, Stealthy
    Special:Must possess the evasion class feature, and must be seen by a Wandering Thief while stealing something shiny and not get caught by the authorities.

    Class Skills
    The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int),Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (History) Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str), Survival (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
    Skills Points at Each Level: 6 + int

    Hit Dice: d8

    {table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

    |Favored terrain (urban) +2, an eye for something shiny +2, calling card.
    |Bold instincts +2, time to run
    |Sneak attack +1d6

    |Slow fall 20ft

    |An eye for something shiny +4
    |Sneak attack +2d6

    |Bold instincts +4
    |Slow fall 40ft, favored terrain (urban) +4
    |Sneak attack +3d6

    |Master thief, an eye for something shiny +6[/table]

    Class Features:

    Weapon Proficiencies: The wandering thief gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

    Favored Terrain (Ex): Wandering thieves are experts in their realm of profession, being exceptionally gifted in urban environments. As per the Ranger ability except only used with urban areas. When making a Knowledge check on all Histories and, when making Gather Information Check. Gains a +2 at level 1 and a +4 at Level 8. This may stack with a Ranger's Favored Terrain if the character has Urban as a favored terrain.

    An Eye for Something Shiny (Ex): Always looking around for Shiny's he might procure for later. The Wandering thief get's a +2 to perception at 1st, 5th, and finally a +6 to perception at level 10. This is also to find quick escape routes to leave places and situations quickly, allowing him to scan for secret doors or potential exits as a swift action.

    Calling Card: Being confidant in his ability to steal things the wandering thief will leave a calling card after he steals the object he desires. The use of this calling card helps establish a reputation for himself, and many wandering thieves create grand titles for themselves to be called. The wandering thief gains a +2 bonus Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks due to his extreme skill, and each level of wandering thief he possesses grants a +2 bonus to Diplomacy and Bluff checks when dealing with the criminal subculture of the city as well as a -2 penalty to Diplomacy checks when dealing with those he would steal from.

    Bold Instincts (Ex): Being constantly aware of his surroundings while on the job, the master thief is ready for the surprise trap or the guards hiding near to his prize. When wearing no armor or light armor and carrying no heavier than a light load, the wandering thief gets a +2 dodge bonus to his AC and a +2 bonus to Reflex saves at 2nd level. This bonus improves to +4 at 7th level.

    Time to Run (Ex): The old addage of 'he who steals and runs away, lives to steal another day!' is mantra that every wandering thief lives by, and as he hones his athletic prowess to a fine degree. At 2nd level, the wandering thief gains a +10 enhancement bonus to his base movement speed and a circumstance bonus to Acrobatics checks equal to his class level.

    Sneak Attack (Ex): At 3rd level the wandering thief may sneak attack as a rogue, as sometimes taking out a guard is just what needs to happen. He gains +1d6 sneak attack damage, as per the rogue ability. This bonus improves to +2d6 at 6th level, and +3d6 at 9th level. If he possessed sneak attack from a previous class, he may add these dice to his total sneak attack damage.

    Slow Fall (Ex): Sometimes a wandering thief has to take a dive, and knowing how to do it makes landing in awkward places a lot more bearable. The wandering thief gains the slow fall ability as per the monk ability at 4th level, allowing him to fall up to 20ft before taking damage. This increases to 40ft at 8th level.

    Master Thief (Su): The mystery of the wandering thief allows him to circumvent many abilities of those who would try to track him down and end his legacy, as one cannot catch a legend. The wandering thief gains the protection of a constant non-detection spell at all times, and he may not be tracked by the scent special ability.

    A wandering thief cannot just wander into any old city and steal as he pleases, quite to the contrary, a wandering thief, while having no regard for rules or other people's boundries, does understand that thievery does take a little bit of work. Exploring the city, learning his potential marks, and gathering information on the best places to hit... and the best ways to escape them... are paramount things for him to learn.
    Combat: Fighting is not your strong suit, but you're not useless in a fight either. Stick to what you know, evade attacks if possible and learn to use your environment to your best advantage.
    Advancement: The rogue or ninja class has much to offer a wandering thief in that their abilities mesh perfectly and many wandering thieves began their careers as rogues or ninjas. Bards have a lot to offer in that while singing while you steal may build a legend (but not always a good one), their magic and knowledge can be invaluable. Lastly, ranger can add a good measure of fighting skill to a wandering thief who gets cornered, and knowledge of how to fight specific people and in other terrains can be of incredible value.
    Resources: Wandering thieves will often gather to them many alchemical goodies such as smokesticks and mundane items such as caltrops to aid in their escape. Tanglefoot bags can stop many run of the mill guards, and a good rope and set of lock picks can do a wonder for wandering thief in a bind. Investing in disguises can help as well. Any magical item that can grant the wandering thief invisiblity or the ability to silence an area is a perfect match, and anything that would improve on their athletic prowess is a much needed help.

    Aye, he came through these parts. Got every single jewel the noble ladies had and left them with fakes! Took 'em awhile to figure it out. Bahahahaha!! - A random Innkeeper.

    To survive the wandering thief has learned travel can be his best friend. So that is exactly what he does, he travels the world looking for fun and profit, and rarely stays long in any one place. Legends don't build themselves, and the authorities will eventually find a stranger in town if he lingers too long.
    Daily Life: Typically the wandering thief is constantly planning his next big heist while enjoying the loot they have already collected. Not known to be savers, wandering thieves often look at the money in their pocket as unending, and when it does, they know its time to make another big score to keep the good times going.
    Notables: The brothers Rupus and Torrack are well known wandering thieves, both for completely opposing legends. Rupus was a good man, robbing the lords and ladies who greedily oppressed the common folk and used his ill-gotten wealth to aid them with food and medicine as he went. Torrack on the other hand, was a selfish pig of a man who would steal from any worth stealing from and would often leave places worse for wear as he went.
    Organizations: Loners by heart, the wandering thieves usually teach apprentices by catching one in the act, likely on a job that they were attempting to pull. Some do band together for mutual support and assistance on robbing from well guarded places, but these bands don't often stick together long, but may reform as the job requires.

    NPC Reaction
    Most NPC's only know these wandering thieves by their legends and stories, as people to keep a close eye on or to cheer for when they succeed. The wealthy keep guards for a reason, and local law enforcement often has strict orders to keep an eye out for people such as wandering thieves, lest they lose their reputations and trade.

    Wandering thieves make for excellent scouts, as they're capable of infiltration and escape without notice. They also are capable in combat as flankers, being able to use Acrobatics to maneuver their way around a melee to better position themselves to aid others and use their sneak attack.
    Adaptation: This could be adapted to make for a spy organization, along with the Master Spy PrC, that could be used like a secret service like organization for the protection of a country.

    Please PEACH.
    Last edited by Tarsten Corvus; 2013-02-24 at 03:57 AM. Reason: Major Adjusting
    There Is Chaos in Order and Order in Chaos.

    Does the Walker choose his Path or the Path the Walker?

    "Time to roll the Dice." Mat Cauthon
