ESGE [6]

The dissection room holds a beasty of most interesting origin and qualities. I was wondering if our Mages could cooperate in studying it and its properties. I believe your good friends would be most interested in the findings.

Blackspell Watch [5]

''There is a dead creature in the Daimot University, that your Mages would certainly be interested to examine. I believe it can play a part in the future of the Blackspell Watch, I’ve spoke of.''

To Acquaintance across the Borders [7]

''I believe such meeting could certainly be arranged. I do note that certain factors would affect the carriage charge, as I fear some additional complications may arise, from how much your old friends wish to see you in flesh and in blood. But I’m more then certain we can come to mutually satisfactory arrangements.''

Peacocks [PM]

Cursed Gear’s Chosen…

Those prospectors poking holes in the Runner’s City Walls – is that a problem?

[Is EDK requesting a PM meeting? Will smuggling him out be an EoT action?]

P.S. I'm beginning to think the political system of Protectorate isn't so bad. Maybe we should consider importing it to Sav Altulus