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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: GitP PrC Contest XXXVIII: Chaos is as Chaos... Oh look, shiny!


    "Ask yourself not what you can do in the darkness. Ask yourself what can I make the darkness do to you, Fleshling scum!"
    -Razak, a Shadowsaint of the Bladesworn

    "In the Last War, the warforged were created to fight for humanity. Their pathetic tinkering unleashed our sentience. Now, we have won their war, but they refuse to give us the rights due to us as sentient beings. We shall not wait any longer, we shall take it. We shall strike fear into their hearts, both on the battlefield with our warriors and in their beds with our shadowsages. No man will be above us any longer."
    -The Lord of Blades

    A Shadowsaint of the Bladesworn is a Legion assassin of the highest caliber. These warforged make no sound as they stalk humanity's darkest corners. Using magic granted them by the energies used to create them and through their own fierce training, these masters become one with the darkness. One cannot disarm a Shadowsaint of the Bladesworn, for they can use their mastery of their bodies magical energies to create their own weapons when needed.

    A Shadowsaint of the Bladesworn must master the shadows that they will spend so much of their time in, and must have a basic understanding of the energies that power them. Normally a Shadowsaint is a multi-classed Warlock (Complete Arcane)/Swordsage (Tome of Battle). However, with the many methods of gaining invocations and maneuvers courtesy of the vast realm of homebrew, other methods are certainly possible.

    Race: Warforged
    Invocations: Eldritch Glaive, See the Unseen
    Maneuvers: 1 Shadow Hand maneuver of 2nd level or higher, 1 Shadow Hand maneuver of any level, and either 1 Diamond Mind or Devoted Spirit maneuver of any level.
    Stances: 1 Shadow Hand Stance
    Feats: Weapon Finesse
    Feature: Divine Grace (A fallen paladin still qualifies, even though they don't have access to this ability.)
    Skills: Hide 9 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 2 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 2 ranks, Martial Lore 2 ranks
    Special: Must be a member of the Legion.

    Class Skills
    The Class Name's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Martial Lore (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Tumble (Dex)
    Skills Points at Each Level: 6 + int

    Hit Dice: d6

    {table=head]Level|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Special|Invocations|Spellcasting|Maneuvers Known|Maneuvers Readied|Stances Known

    |Embrace the Shadows|+1 level of existing Invocations|+1 level of Paladin|1|0|0

    |Shadow Glaive|+1 level of existing Invocations|+1 level of Paladin|0|0|1

    |Sapio-pathic|+1 level of existing Invocations|+1 level of Paladin|1|1|0

    |Shadow Disciple|+1 level of existing Invocations|+1 level of Paladin|0|0|0

    |Better Than Flesh|+1 level of existing Invocations|+1 level of Paladin|1|0|0

    |Shadow Strike|+1 level of existing Invocations|+1 level of Paladin|0|0|0

    |More Quiet Than Their Graves|+1 level of existing Invocations|+1 level of Paladin|1|1|0

    |Shadow Recovery|+1 level of Paladin|+1 level of existing Invocations|0|0|1

    |Constructive Superiority|+1 level of existing Invocations|+1 level of Paladin|1|0|0

    |Shadow Forged|+1 level of existing Invocations|+1 level of Paladin|0|0|0[/table]

    Weapon Proficiencies: A Shadowsaint gains no proficiencies with either weapons or armor.

    Invocations: At each level, a Shadowsaint gains new invocations known and an increase in caster level as if they had also gained a level in an invocation-using class to which they belonged before gaining the level (this includes Eldritch Blast). The Shadowsaint does not, however, gain any other benefits a character of that class would have gained. If the Shadowsaint had more than one invocation-using class, they must select which class each level of Shadowsaint applies to.

    Spellcasting: The Shadowsaint’s connection to divine energies improves as they follow their path. At each level, the Shadowsaint gains an increase in caster level and spells per day as if they had also gained a level in Paladin.

    Maneuvers and Stances: A Shadowsaint continues their training as a martial adept. The Shadowsaint may add their full class level to their initiator level, as described in Tome of Battle.
    A Shadowsaint also gains knowledge of additional maneuvers as they level. A Shadowsaint gains an additional maneuver known at every odd class level, an additional maneuver readied at third and seventh level, and an additional stance known at second and eighth level. The Disciplines available to a Shadowsaint are Devoted Spirit, Diamond Mind, and Shadow Hand.
    As the Shadowsaint increases in experience, they may replace old maneuvers known with more powerful maneuvers from the disciplines available to a Shadowsaint. Upon achieving second level and every second level thereafter, the Shadowsaint may exchange a single maneuver known with a different maneuver from the disciplines available to a Shadowsaint. The Shadowsaint must meet the maneuver’s prerequisites as normal.

    Oath to the Lord (ex): The Shadowsaint swears an oath to uphold the ideals of freedom the Lord of Blades teaches. This oath builds upon their former grace, granting them additional power. The Shadowsaint no longer needs to follow the Code of Conduct that they had as a Paladin to keep their Paladin abilities, instead following the doctrines of the Shadowsaint’s Code, listed below. The Shadowsaint may add their class level to their Paladin level for the purposes of determining efficacy and uses for their Lay on Hands and Smite [Alignment] class features.

    Embrace the Shadows (ex): A Shadowsaint studies several paths of power. The first step for a Shadowsaint is to blend both of these paths into one seamless force. If it would be beneficial, a Shadowsaint may use their Charisma instead of the normal attribute for determining the Difficulty Class of Devoted Spirit, Diamond Mind, and Shadow Hand maneuvers and the benefit of Swordsage class features, and may use their Wisdom modifier in place of their Charisma modifier for determining the Difficulty Class of their Invocations and Devoted Spirit and Diamond Mind maneuvers, and for determining Invocations that have other benefits based on Charisma (such as Dark One’s Own Luck), and for Divine Grace and Lay on Hands.
    Additionally, a Shadowsaint improves their efficacy with the See the Unseen Invocation. In addition to the normal benefits, a Shadowsaint gains an additional 5 ft of darkvision per class level and can see normally in magical darkness created by [Darkness] spells and effects with a level equal to the Shadowsaint’s class level or lower.

    Shadow Glaive (su): A Shadowsaint becomes more and more adept with their Eldritch Glaive, eventually learning how to use more subtle techniques in tandem with their glaive. When using the Shape Eldritch Glaive, a second level Shadowsaint may treat the weapon-like spell effect created as if it were a Shadow Hand associated weapon (such as for the purposes of the Shadow Blade feat).
    Furthermore, when invoking an Eldritch Glaive, a Shadowsaint may expend a Shadow Hand, Devoted Spirit, or Diamond Mind Strike and apply its effect as an Eldritch Essence. Such an essence has an effective level equal to the level of the Strike. The Strike takes effect with each successful attack made while the Glaive is in effect, even when it is not the Shadowsaint’s turn (such as when making attacks of opportunity). If the Strike allows movement (such as Stalker in the Night or Radiant Charge) the Shadowsaint only may make any movement granted by the Strike once.

    Sapio-pathic (ex): A Shadowsaint has a fierce hatred of the fleshlings that have refused to give the Warforged their rights as sentient beings. This hatred is cultivated by the Legion, and honed until even it can be used as a weapon against the fleshlings. A Shadowsaint of third level gains the Favored Enemy ability as a Ranger, though they must select a Humanoid creature type as this Favored Enemy. The bonus granted by a Shadowsaint’s Favored Enemy ability is also added as a bonus to the DC of Shadow Hand maneuvers and Invocations used by the Shadowsaint against one of their Favored Enemies.

    Shadow Disciple (su): A Shadowsaint blends their magic along with their blade skills into a single style. The Shadowsaint of fourth level can use the power of their stance to enhance their magic even further. While in a Shadow Hand Stance, the Shadowsaint adds twice the level of the stance as an untyped bonus to the caster level of their Invocations and Paladin spells and their level for their Lay on Hands feature. Additionally, while in a Shadow Hand Stance, the Shadowsaint may use their Invocations and cast Paladin spells without the normal requisite Somatic components, though they still provoke Attacks of Opportunity as normal. The Shadowsaint also gains the ability to expend divine power in order to recover their blade skills. As a free action, once per round the Shadowsaint may expend a divine spell prepared or divine spell slot and recover an expended maneuver of up to thrice the level of the spell.

    Better Than Flesh (ex): A Shadowsaint trains not only in the arcane arts and the study of bladesmanship, but also in what makes them better than the fleshlings that attempt to stand in their way to freedom. A Shadowsaint gains the benefits of a Protection from [Alignment] spell against all creatures that the Shadowsaint has the Favored Enemy ability associated with.
    Further, the natural racial fortification the Shadowsaint has increases by 25%.

    Shadow Strike He who strikes unnoticed strikes the best, says the scripts of the Shadowsaints. The sixth level Shadowsaint becomes ever more adept at striking from the shadows. The Shadowsaint may Snipe (see the Hide skill) with melee weapons (and weapon-like spells that require melee attack rolls, such as Eldritch Glaive) and suffers half the associated penalty for Sniping.

    Quieter Than Their Graves (ex): A Shadowsaint trains not only to be unseen, but to walk silently. It does little good to be undetectable visually if the fleshling you are tailing can hear the clanking of your mechanical parts. A Shadowsaint of eighth level may add the bonus to their Hide skill granted by being invisible to all Move Silently checks. In addition, the Shadowsaint can hide even from those with extra forms of perception. Any ability that allows the user to automatically detect a creature fails to work in regards to the Shadowsaint. The creature must succeed at the appropriate Spot or Listen checks to find the Shadowsaint. In the case of a spell or similar effect, the creature may instead attempt a caster level check in place of their Spot or Listen.

    Shadow Recovery: Truly masterful Shadowsaint’s are able to continue using their blade skills while cloaked in darkness. Whenever a Shadowsaint successfully attacks a creature that is flat-footed, at the beginning of the Shadowsaint’s next turn they may recover a single maneuver currently expended as a free action. Only one maneuver may be recovered in a single turn via this method.

    Constructive Superiority: A masterful Shadowsaint has heard the word of the Lord of Blades himself, and completely unswerving in their conviction that they are better than fleshlings by divine right. The fleshlings that oppress the warforged must be stopped at all costs! The ninth level Shadowsaint treats any weapon that they wield, including all weapon-like spells, as if it had the Bane property, with types (and subtypes) associated with their Favored Enemy ability. The Shadowsaint progresses their Favored Enemy ability, gaining another subtype chosen from the Humanoid list and advancing the bonuses granted by the ability as normal.

    Shadow Forged (ex): The Shadowsaint has finally transcended their former living form, and has removed all traces of being associated with the Fleshlings that oppressed the warforged race from themselves. A tenth level Shadowsaint is forevermore treated as a Construct where it would be beneficial to them. The Shadowsaint gains Low-Light Vision and immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects, critical hits, effects requiring a Fortitude save (excepting those that also affect objects), death from massive damage, nonlethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, and [Death] effects. The Shadowsaint is no longer affected by harmful effects that target living creatures, though they may still be targeted by beneficial effects such as Heal, Cure X Wounds, and Repair X Damage. The Shadowsaint retains their Constitution score.

    Brief description on how to play the class you are designing.
    Combat: Find ways to make your target flat-footed. Use your invocations for battlefield control, then move up with your Eldritch Glaive to beat anything moving to death. Stay fast, stay in commision. No, you are not a Warforged Jedi. I swear (would I lie? of course not that would be Chaotic)
    Advancement: Your going to have to focus on something for 4 levels after finishing this class. If you've been using your Invocations to supplement your blade skills, finish as an adept. If you've been using your blade skills to shore up your Invocations, finish with caster levels.
    Resources: The Legion is likely to provide things that are necessary to you, so long as they can do so surreptitiously. Otherwise you are likely on your own.

    "The warforged are restless. Be careful young d'Cannith, lest you bring the Shadowsaints on us all."
    -An Artificer

    Daily Life: A typical day for a Shadowsaint is the typical day of an adventuring Warforged. During the night however, a Shadowsaint becomes a vehicle of the Lord of Blade's whims.
    Notables: Razak was the first Shadowsaint, having developed the style. He (she?) is said to have slain no less than three dozen Cannith officials, six of House Orien, four Deneith, and destroyed five libraries of great knowledge. He (she?) is rumored to be retired, possibly held in wait, waiting for the next perfect hit for the Legion.
    Organizations: The Legion has a small sect of Shadowsaints, each is unique and specializes in a specific type of task. All of them are completely devoted to the Legion's cause.

    NPC Reaction
    This is an in detail description of how NPC's would perceive your class and the immediate generalization that people would give of your class.

    The Shadowsaint has the ability to spam high level strikes more frequently than any other adept I've seen, with higher accuracy. It also has the potential to be incredibly durable or deal high amounts of damage depending on which strike they are using to augment their Eldritch Glaive. However, by the time this comes online, See Invisibility and True Sight are easy to get online in response. A Shadowsaint could in theory deal more damage than a Hellfire Warlock, but it has all the same problems as the Hellfire Warlock, excepting it has to manage Maneuvers instead of Constitution. Additionally, the Low Base Attack of the class makes it difficult to get a third Iterative, so the Hellfire probably still comes in at the same damage, barring Legacy tricks.
    Adaptation: With a small amount of reworking, this PrC could be altered to fit in with becoming divinely tied to the Planes of Shadow. It could be as simple as requiring having been to the Plane, or as complex as having the Dark or Shadow templates. The capstone could be reworked to an Outsider change, the Favored Enemies could be changed to outsiders or magical beasts that inhabit opposing planes.
    Encounters: An encounter with a Shadowsaint should involve all their assets. A Shadowsaint is hardy, stealthy, and mobile. They should strike swiftly, take the heavy beating of the party with impunity, and move out just as fast.

    Sample Encounter
    Give an example of how one might encounter a member of this PrC.
    EL x: Give the encounter level and description of a sample member of this class and a stat block for him/her.

    Init +0, Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
    AC , touch , flat-footed ()
    hp ( HD)
    Fort +, Ref +, Will +
    Speed ft. ( squares)
    Base Atk +, Grp +
    Atk Options
    Combat Gear
    Spells Prepared
    Supernatural Abilities
    Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
    Last edited by Techwarrior; 2013-02-16 at 10:19 PM.
    Avatar courtesy of Ceika.