The Champions of Sovereignty:

To General Rhodarmer: [10]
"Hello General, I'd like to talk about the future of Gregoria."

"You have a good nation here; battered, but proud. I have no doubt that in time you will return to your former strength. But I can not help but think you could be greater than that."

"You have the potential to rise above your former glory, to become something greater. As does Sav Altulas. United both would be stronger. Not two city-states, but an empire!"

"Your people want a King, Rhodarmer, and I can give that to them. Swear oaths of loyalty to me, as King of Talidor, and I will declare you Duke of Gregoria. I will require you to come to my aid when called, but beyond that you will have the freedom to rule your people."

"If you accept I will of course help you consolidate power here. I trust you to use this lands resources as you see fit in rebuilding, but I'll help along the way how I can."