
Need 'em dead? Go orc!

What do anarchist gangs, skinwalkers, Gregorian kings, smugglers, riots, murderous sects, rampaging monsters and warlords on your front lawn have in common?
They are all problems that can be solved by three feet of orcish steel through the gut!

Come to Trebon for all your brutish orc mercenary needs.

Looking to buy:

-Property on Embassy Row, fit for the embassy of a foreign nation. Good quality building with all amenities prefered, to buy, not rent.

-High quality horses. Strength and endurance over speed or purity of breeding, basic battle training preferred. Looking for breeding pairs as well Price on negotiation.

-Good stone for building. Large quantities preferred. Also looking for masons, architects &c. Experience in fortifications necessary, possibly dangerous conditions, good pay, labourers provided.