Quote Originally Posted by 123456789blaaa View Post
Could you tell us more about Thoon?
I'm thorry, you thaid you wanted to hear about thomething Thoon? What would you like to dithcuth right now?

Pause for mood change.

Thoon is a... something... that the mind flayers of the lost nautiloid hold to be their ideal, something that the multiverse had never heard of before the lost nautiloid returned. Thoon might be a philosophy; it might be an abomination of the Far Realm, or a vestige, or a god of the lost void between what is and what should never be. It might be no more than a manifestation of a collective insanity.

Whatever Thoon is, it is inarguable that it is somehow linked to quintessence, a magical material found randomly in living things. Those who are "of Thoon" are the only ones capable of discovering this quintessence, which appears to their searches as a dark nebula around the life-form containing it. When extracted, using means devised in that place of horror beyond reality, quintessence is a potent magical liquid, green in color, that is used by the illithids and the thrallcreatures they command to experiment on other life forms and with inchoate magics.

The nature of Thoon may never be known, for to those who returned and those who come after, Thoon is. No method yet attempted has been able to prompt any of the mind flayers of Thoon to speak more of their strange worship, and even under powerful compulsions and charms they react with genuine confusion to being asked to define Thoon.

It may be that "Thoon" is an attempt by the creatures before their strange metamorphosis to name what they experienced... although the illithid language is not spoken and rarely written, the terminal "hoon" indicates "an abomination, one who is an outsider," and the lemma "th" indicates action and power. If this is the case, "Thoon" may be a constructed term indicating "that which creates abomination" or "that which casts out."

Admit it, you just wanted me to be creepy again.

Also, if clerics can get spells from non-gods because their power comes from their belief, than why can't clerics worshipping elder evils get spells?
Can you get me a citation on that? It's not showing up in my book.

Off the cuff, I'd say it has to do with the malefic properties of elder evils; specifically as relate to casting off, abjuring and repudiating the divine. Belief does not touch them, and the qualities of belief will not manifest of them.