Quote Originally Posted by Harnel View Post
[Rowan Cabin - Thanksmas Morn]

Eric will wrap his arms around Julie's waist, "I'm never 100% sure about anything. But I love you more than anything, we have two beautiful daughters, and I can't stand to be apart from you for too long, and I'm pretty sure you're the same way. I love you Julie. Will you Marry Me?"
Rowan Cabin - Thanksmas Morn

"That's good enough for me. I will Eric, absolutely. I hope you don't expect me to make a big deal out of this, it's not much of a step beyond what we've already done in my mind. However, this ring is stunning, and I will definitely start making a big deal about it right the hell now." A burst of flame teleports Julie so she's facing the other way, stradling Eric instead of sitting in his lap. She plans on kissing him dizzy from now until she stops hearing playfighting going on in the kids' room.