I'm really looking forward to the evil contest. I have a really neat idea for that one that I'm just burning to write up.

For chaos, though, I'm thinking of a class derived from full caster classes, that sacrifices about 7 levels of spellcasting for class features based upon chaos theory. The class abilities would be based on the idea of "move one stone, and have effects that ripple into something much greater and unexpected," with higher levels offering more powerful effects and greater control over these intrusions into chaos theory.

I'm just a bit concerned, though - the prestige class requires a ton of trust between the GMs and the players, and it would be relatively easy for a sadistic GM to make the class features completely ineffective. Since I've never seen a class tie-in so closely to roleplaying before, I wanted to get a few opinions on everyone thinks about this weakness before I continue any further. Is it usually considered poor to have a significant part of the class tied to roleplaying and to put a lot of focus on GM-player trust?