Amy, Andrew, Erica, Faruq

"If it's a trap, she had Al fooled. Gave the place the twice over. And trust me, she's sheriff for a reason." Iris offered a wink to the group, trying to lighten up the mood.

Al seemed to have something unpleasant in her mouth, but with Iris's words, she softened. She probably would have sighed if she still had breath. "Listen, you've all brought up some good points. Look, if you all want a better idea of what's going on, ask your sire's what they think about democracy. It should answer a lot of what's happening tonight."

She looked at all four of the one by one.

"If you're talking about the Sabbat Faruq, then no. The Sabbat don't work with kine, it's beneath them. We can talk about your sire afterwards if you want." She let a smile slip through, but it left almost as fast as it came.

"Tonight is more about you four then it is about the Russians. Any little thing helps.

"Yes, the Primogens were quite clear that the building isn't to be left standing. Maybe they want the police involved, God knows they have enough pigs in their pockets. Maybe they haven't thought that far ahead. Either way I'm not snubbing them over a half a dozen Mafioso. I'll let you handle everything except the trigger. Two of you have a patron who want me dead. Can't risk it." She had a ravhingly beautiful smile at the last, though it was plain she meant it.

"If anything does go wrong, anything at all, you back out, you leave, and Iris and I will take care of it. No heroes tonight."

It was a dark alley leading around the short, long series of storage units that separated them from the warehouse that peaked overhead. There was only one street light there, and it was dim.