Elan, partly because Eyepatched Resistance Leader barely has had time to be a character and certainly not enough of one to challenge the protagonists, but mainly because he is a true wonder: dumb as a rock and yet entirely likable and sympathetic, and not just because we're laughing at his stupidity.

Gannji. Qarr is just an annoying little imp who gets swept up in happenings he doesn't understand. Gannji is a real character; someone called him George to Enor's Lennie and that's pretty much exactly it. He may be in a questionable vocation, but he is not a jerk.

Enor. Samantha's Dad wasn't a very interesting character to start with and while Enor's "gentle giant" shtick may not be very original, I still like the big lug.

Haerta Bloodsoak. While Zz'dtri is certainly more important there is a limit as to how interesting a barely-speaking character can be.