
Lamianos smiled at the sight of Pineapple and resumed looking at the bot-

Wait, what?

Lamia's eyes grew wide and he turned to look at Pineapple in a brand new light. He felt a little stupid, considering she came from Old Appleloosa this was almost a given. But it did make his job alot easier and alot more dangerous. A grin grew across his face and he began to say

"Bottoms u-"

When suddenly Eledwhen cut him off from entering the pearly gates. He spun around, looking at the young intruder, and his face twisted in a forced tense smile. "It'ssomethingnearanddeartodaddiesheartsolethimget righttothatok?" The words rushed out of his mouth as sweat poured down his brow, rushing forward he began to move Eledwhen out of the house before swiftly shutting the rotted barely functioning door behind him. Taking deep breathes in he blocks the door shut with his body and remains doing so for a couple of seconds. Slumping back down he releases a breathe he didn't know he was holding and proceeded back to the case. Plucking one of the bottles out with his mouth he hands it to Pineapple and muffles out "Bottoms up."

A desert in the Southwestern part of Equestria

Maul Steel kept scampering forward, his momentum stopping him from evading the spear. With a great THUD he slammed into the spear, his body slamming into the upper shaft of it, and the force causing it to bend backwards. The spear ricocheted back to it's original position, easily flinging Maul Steel through the air (With said Slaver Stallion waving his hooves wildly and spinning about uncontrolled) once again showing that the laws of physics is used like a 2 cap prostitute for comedy. The Ex-slavers flight is ended abruptly as he smashes back into the dirt, eating quite a bit of it in the process as he grinds to a halt, hind raised to the sky.