Quote Originally Posted by Tychris1 View Post
A desert in the Southwestern part of Equestria

Maul Steel kept scampering forward, his momentum stopping him from evading the spear. With a great THUD he slammed into the spear, his body slamming into the upper shaft of it, and the force causing it to bend backwards. The spear ricocheted back to it's original position, easily flinging Maul Steel through the air (With said Slaver Stallion waving his hooves wildly and spinning about uncontrolled) once again showing that the laws of physics is used like a 2 cap prostitute for comedy. The Ex-slavers flight is ended abruptly as he smashes back into the dirt, eating quite a bit of it in the process as he grinds to a halt, hind raised to the sky.

"Ow ow ow....oh gods my head... whhhhy....?"
Tough Stomp winced. The hapless stallion rolled side to side clutching his head. He incidentally began to kick up dust and dirt in his flailing.

It also incidentally got into the two warriors' eyes as they grimaced and grunted and took the precious seconds to run the their eyes and try to get it out.

Quote Originally Posted by Drowlord View Post
New Appleoosa

Sparky hummed thoughtfully. "Perhaps we should find out if the sickness is the critters' bites or something more. Thanks, Gunther."

He waited a bit to see if the griffin had further advice and, if not, headed back for Steel's house.
"No problem buddy....I wish you all the luck," He gave them a salute and nod of the head.

As Sparky and Steel Creel exit the tavern, Steel leans in to whisper to him. "Let's not forget to get the medical and food supplies though from Miss Do before we leave town alright?"

And with that they would make it back to Steel's house where they would find Bright Eyes modelling for a drawing for Mags.