Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
"Back in a minute, then. Rodriguez is a dead end, anyway. Too many; probably a fake name."

Kalina sets the phone book aside and heads back into the station. She places one hand on the counter and rubs her eyes with the other one. This is stupid and she shouldn't be listening to Stephanie. She hated this kind of magic. Sigh. She closes her eyes and lets it wash over her. The worst part was never knowing if it really worked until she said something.

"Ahem. Just caught wind about a vehicle involved in some potentially suspicious activity. Mind running these plates for me?"

[2 glamour activates the Mask of Superiority. The roll is... Intimidate+Wyrd - Resolve? But whose resolve? His? Mine? I'm unclear here.]
[His, and it's a 1, so your roll is intimidate+Wyrd-1.]