Yha, Mangapanda's kind of not that good at translation.

Anyway, about the chapter:
THEORY CRAFTING TIME! Future Lucy may or may not be Lucy, but she's certainly evil. Her plan is to trick them into thinking Eclipse 2 will destroy the dragons, when infact IT SHALL TRANSPORT THEM. For you see, the 10 000 dragons are already here. They're in the graveyard. The influx of magic from Eclipse 2 will, instead of destroying the dragons that are already dead, instead return them to life!

My guess is that in the original timeline, where Natsu and friends stayed IN the prison, they used Eclipse and it revived the dragons, killed most of everyone, and Lucy somehow turned evil/Lucy got body snatched by an evil person, and then sent Lucy back in time to ENSURE a better result (maybe kill more Fairy Tails, who knows). However, this has already backfired. The Jade Green Dragon got to chat with the main cast, so he's going to be a good guy, and it's going to turn out he's the second in command to Acnologia or something, or atleast in charge of enough of them to get some dragons on the hero's side.

Finally, I do like that Rogue's shadow is alive. He IS the Shadow Dragon, and as we've seen, every dragon slayer has signs of their dragon in em. Natsu's uvula is fire, Gajeel's eyes are actually bolts if you look at them closely, Laxus's hair is all staticy, something something poison dragon loser. Sting and Rogue probably have something like this, and for a Shadow Dragon I wouldn't be surprised if their shadow is alive as a natural thing, due to ambient shadow magics.

Also, another theory. Rogue's shadow is what makes Future Lucy evil.