Toy with me at your own peril. Now state your business, mortal, or you will pay the price for trespassing.

Suddenly, a small flicker of flame appears at your shoulder and speaks with the Devourer's voice.

Hello, Shendrix. According to the pacts that bind us, I may inquire of you at any time how your current actions and goals will aid the White Lord's coming. You also insisted on an addendum that, should one not wish to directly visit the other on their home terrain, a properly designated proxy may be used. This one is my vessel, and he is my proxy. His questions are my own.

So, Drix, ready to see how the shoe feels on the other foot?

Despite how thin his voice is, there is no denying the satisfaction in his tone.

Suddenly, one of the black tendrils in front of you pulls away from the wall and writhes around until it has a vaguely humanoid shape with a tail that trails back to the central mass somewhere beyond.

"Very well, I shall speak with you, Vessel. Ask your questions." the shape says, a ragged mouth expelling rancid gasses opening and closing to form words.