[Grief's Cafe]

Ooooh this is so great. More ponies! And thankfully more ponies that aren't an emotional black-hole like Smoothie. Geeze does that one ever put Tart on edge. Totally going to have to inquire about her later. Emotionless and pony usually are words that go together about as well as violent and pony.

...okay. Ponies were kinda-sorta like that back in the days of yore. But that's pretty far removed from Sol Invicta's present pretty pony paradise. But even then! They were passionate about whatever they were doing!

That's the word to describe them.


Getting side tracked now.

The mock-unicorn coughs slightly to get Grief's attention. "I'm going to get some of my personal favorites baking so we've got some fresh stuff on hoof. Send back any orders we get and I'll see what I can do."