So. I'm still here. A busy schedule, combined with biting off waaaaay more than I could properly chew led to me falling much further behind with this project than I'd like. There is... a ton I need to respond to in this thread since my last update, including a lot of really solid ideas and input. I'll be getting to those.

But for now, rather than delay it further, a rather simple changelog I think everyone here has been waiting on for entirely too long:

  • Empath Base Class added!

Was it worth the wait, and the (frankly, staggering) amount of time and effort I dumped into it? I have no clue. This class taught me a few extremely important things about tempering my ambitions into something reasonable, but the byproduct was something... that I think I can safely say is unique, even within this subsystem.

Having this done is an enormous relief - the greatest remaining gap in the Tome of Radiance is filled. I got in way over my head and gave myself a positively miserable time by sticking to an idea that was originally just fancy, but I like to think that the finished product was worth the wait.

Questions, comments, and suggestions are - as usual - more than welcome. Just having this monster of a project done and downed is invigorating, and I'm enormously looking forward to resuming my regular updates here.