[Dir'Ba Cave]

A few moments of grumbles and under-breath cursing later, Kenyon inspects the wound on his shoulder. The foamy liquid managed to stanch off the blood that was pouring from where the bat had bit him. He quickly dresses the wound, admiring his work with a quick nod before throwing his coat back on.

Going over the last fight in his head, Kenyon quickly resheathes his sword, bringing his rifle to a ready position. Sure, it was noisy as all hell, but at least it didn't leave him with a gaping hole in himself. Noisy rifle it is, then.

Kenyon rejoins the rest of the team shortly, noting that everyone is running dark, and silent. He quickly follows suit, dropping to a knee, and keeping his head low, and his weapon out of sight. He does hear some background noise, however, and strains to make out what may be said at the time.