Nathros shakes his head and returns to the Nut to have another breakfast ale. Midday, he heads out to the West Gate to spy for any sign of trouble, and finding none, he returns to the Nut for the afternoon.

Alanna finds Father Graham free to speak with her. A distinguished gray-haired man with an athletic, or at least formerly athletic build, he invites her in to sit in his office with a genuine charm. He's never heard of the Black Arrows, and regardless of how much detail she shares about the situation, he still doesn't know. He has seen the map and other documents, however, and understands that she and her friends are investigating the markings on the map. "The Patriarch has been alerted as well, though he is likely only to increase the guard in town. Despite it's quaint comfort, Threshold is still a light in the wilderness. What lies beyond these walls is anybody's guess." He shares with her a tale of the early days of Threshold when those building the wall had to be guarded at all times from wild animals, goblins, and who knows what else. "A guard for every laborer in those days. So while we've carved out some safety here, it was hard-fought. And we must remain watchful."

He entrusts to her the copies of documents Brandon had copied.

Mycah trains a full day, and over a quick lunch in the field Jarok asks about the party's doings and plans. He'll suggest a double day of training to help Mycah finish his training, and if Mycah is willing, he'll continue to work until late in the evening. Exhausted and full of new ideas on sword-play, the scout can rejoin the party in the evening.

Bran and Artanis accompany Algie to Merlinda's tower, a simple but somehow elegant structure outside of town. The trio treks from the West Gate along the town wall and out the northwest. The sign on the door reads "Stay Out! Yes, you!" Knocking or other forms of greeting yield no response. She is either out or unwilling to be disturbed.

Bran can revisit Eratosthenes, if desired, and the man will offer only that it's a difficult one. Some kind of code maybe rather than a language. He'll shoo the group off claiming that he's on government time right now and can't talk.

He can also visit Councilman Andrev who also knows nothing about the Black Arrows, suggesting only that it sounds like a goblinkin clan, "They're all named things like "red skulls" and "black fang" and such."

The prisoners are equally unhelpful. Gone is their bravado and certainty about retribution against their enemies, though. They sullenly grunt responses to questions put to them, seemingly truthful, but uninformative. They don't know who the leader was beyond being the Viper. They know nothing about a map, Black Arrows, or any grand plan against the town. The chattiest offers only, "we're jobbers, see. We got fake names. We can't tell what we don't know, so we don't know nuthin'. Even longtimers like me just do what the boss says - said. Whatever. Get bent ya Guild lackeys. We're all getting shipped off to the mines or something anyway."

Ash meets with Marie, who seems to be in good spirits. She says that things are quiet at home, and that she hopes not to live there for too long. She's interested in what the Vigilant Companions are up to, and quickly turns most questions back toward what they are planning or what her companions are like.