Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
As Rose steps fully into the darkness, she hears the whistling of a knife. It came from behind and to the left of the chalice.

Does Rose dodge, or continue forward, prepared to take the knife hit?

For Stephanie only
Rose has badly misheard the direction of the throw (I rolled a dramatic failure on her listen check). The circling has McBatterson behind and to the right of the chalice and some distance back, not at all where Kalina heard. Stephanie may notice this if Kalina starts moving the wrong way.
A line blurred red in Stephanie's mind.

The knife was in her hands.

She moved up and around, seeking a back, seeking a target.

[Can I get another Stealth roll while Batsy is distracted? She'll still be taking the penalty from Night's Subtle Distractions. If it's irrelevant I'll just take the attack.]