Kalina's chain cleaves through the darkness, but it strikes only air. Her ears had fooled her. The bat woman wasn't this close, she had shifted position for the throw and was somewhere further back, out of reach of the chain.


The bear murmurs some minor ascent during the scratching and rubbing. Charlotte's hands are delicate and it seems to enjoying itself, though it mostly seems not to notice much.

As she stops and takes the nectar, however, she feels a cool sensation run through her body. It starts in the stomach, but it spreads upwards and outwards. Like releasing a deep breath she hadn't known she was holding. As she does so, the worst burns on her hands and face begin to close up and new skin grows in its place.

[Charlotte heals 1L for drinking a flower, as per standard. Marchande has 2 at the moment, and though Raz never asked, I'll tell you that the back of the cave had 4 full blooms in it, the rest were not ready.]