Eustacio takes a move to I15 and look at the guard near him and say: "You should be honored to be the first one to receive my new spell" and then cast his new metamagic enhanced magic missiles: Lightning Acidic Magic Missiles!

lightning damage: (6d4+6)[22]
acidic damage: (6d4+6)[24]

If he survive it he'll then swift cast Shield. If he die he won't spend it.

Prepared Spells:
0: Light (2), Ray of Frost (1), Detect Magic (3);
1: Magic Missiles (3), Shield (2), Nerveskiter (1), Ebon Eyes (1);
2: Empowered Magic Missiles (3), Scorching Ray (1), Eletric Vengeance (1), Darkness (1), Gust of Wind (1);
3: Admixtured Magic Missiles (2), Dragonskin (1), Greater Mage Armor (1);
4: Thunderlance (2), Vortex of Teeth (1), Fire Shield (1), Slashing Dispel (1);