Algernon "Algie" Blackthorn, Magic-user
"The dwarf speaks truth! There is a wise head on those strong shoulders, we would do well to heed his words. My master often explained that the man who downplayed the risk that a hobgoblin tribe poses is a fool indeed, for they are unlike their dimwitted, facile cousins. Hobgoblins are cunning warriors, expert tacticians and masters of deceit and strategical planning. They are not quivering cowards, apt to run at the first sign of danger.

He turns to the dwarf, bows sharply and extends his hand. You must be Nathros. Your companions speak highly of your martial prowess, and I have heard for myself your sagacity. I am Algernon Blackthorn, late of Specularum, and a practitioner of the arcane arts. Nothing would please me more than sharing a drink with you."