Cipriano Verneti

"True, true... and I have to admit, I kinda like the name. Father Fox. Heck, it's a lot better than what I have been called otherwise. Some of the names that old man cast at me? I'd rather not repeat them, don't want to make Miss Setsuna blush", Cipriano answered with a smile and a chuckle as he came out of his trance. It was always a powerful experience, parting the walls that surrounded his very mind and soul, and letting the power of the Accidental God rush through his body. Powerful, though not unpleasant. Plus, afer a powerful rush like that, he often felt a deep sense of warmth, like he had just swallowed a mouthful of piping hot mulled wine.

"So you call me what you wish, Miss Setsuna. Just... not Chip. If you do that, I have to hurt you", the cleric kept joking as he helped Rico get the two men up on their feet. "Careful, careful there, my good man... You'd better take it easy for a day or two... and keep an eye on any sudden bleeding. You'll need a healer's touch then."