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Thread: [Changeling] A Gathering of Mists IC

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    SiuiS's Avatar

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    Jan 2011
    Somewhere south of Hell

    Default Re: [Changeling] A Gathering of Mists IC

    Charlotte savors the chill of her belly for a moment, ceasing sir Bruin's earnings to use both hands, setting down the used flower and accepting the second. She dips fingertips lightly in the nectar before drinking the few from her fingertips, and following up with the rest of the flower's supply.

    The glacial tonic feel of it is exhilarating, and even as it forms ice in her core she shivers appreciatively, feelin it spread. The fire's grasp that was once a choking, strangling cling opens up into a fierce hold, then a friendly arm slung across until finally the cracks in the coal-black tile of her face glow orange and deep. For a moment Charlotte looks to be a broken thing of ceramic an heat, blackened, glowing and cinematic. With a soft sigh of sweetness and release, the heat depend to a red and and cool puff of steam leaves her bared skin with the subtle feel of fingers left just barely in contact.

    The skin of her finger, raw and bleeding before from dragging them through ursine hair, now sit tingly and whole, if blackened still around the nail, and angry and red-yellow as the sun's colors vie with her normal, moonlit complexion. And Marchande is standing, scowling, waiting. Waiting? She did speak, so perhaps...

    "Danger is a lesson learned, Madame, but handled not in props and settings but in script rewrites and backstage editing. When to act is a danger and to stay your hand a danger, then one must dance as well they're able, non? Though I fear perhaps I've too light a touch to pay your debt to sir Bruin, whose ears still need attention."

    charlotte begins to tend the bear's ears again, but from a kneel, now, listening to his soft noises and shifts of body, putting her admittedly lacking weight into the work.

    Her eyes are far away, her voice breathless, wistful. "Oh, did you see her Marchande? The fire? This place, it takes the mind and plays. Almost like... There. From hence we came. I don't know I you saw her, Marchande, but I hope so. Life is not the same without such beauty."
    Last edited by SiuiS; 2013-02-13 at 03:57 PM.