Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
Ah, she was on the back foot. Stephanie took the opportunity to draw her lighter and unscrew the cap. The next step was to douse the bat in oil and prise her out of the darkness.

She continued to verbally direct Rose as she did this.

[Draw weapon: Lighter]
The rich, sweet smell of chocolate fills the air. The boxes that Rose's chain ripped through contained a bulk candy delivery, and the remains of the treats are scattered all over the floor. Her cover annihilated with not so much as a how do you do, Batty gives another loud screech. And notices the lighter in Stephanie's hands.

With some desperation, she slides backwards again. This time, however, something different happens. The darkness in the room seems to betray Stephanie, shadows that she cannot see through congeal themselves around Batty as she slides along the room's left wall and spread out in the area like deep, inky smoke. The sound of her footsteps, already faint, dims to almost nothing.

Stephanie knows the general area where she could have moved, but has lost track of her.

[She rolled 3 successes on her contract-enhanced stealth roll. I rolled the opposed roll already, but if you want to spend your turn actively scanning for her, you can roll wits+composure again.]