Quote Originally Posted by Anarion View Post
The bear groans happily at Marchande's scratching, which has a bit more strength and vigor to it than Charlotte's weakened hands.

It eyes Marchande with amusement as she gives her little speech, still enjoying the scratching. But when she's done talking, the bear says "you shouldn't be so surprised. It is the nature of a dog to go and fetch things for others. As it is the nature of dolls to play at being human, and the nature of bears to hibernate in caves."
It is much to Marchande's credit that she only bats the bear gently on the nose, given the amount of bristling that is going on. It is more of a reprimand than an attack, really. Her neck, her arms, her tail, that last most ironic. "And it is the nature of people to choose to act, sir. I risked my life to be able to say that, and I will say it." No matter how often Charlotte makes jibes, no matter how many people tell her she's a dog. She will say it.

Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt to have to say it.